About Bambini
Elsabé Joubert started the Bambolini Centre for Early Childhood Development in 1993 in Olympus. She has always loved working with children and their families. Bambolini started as a small school with only 11 children and grew into a very successful school with over 300 children. Bambini is the result of this experience. 31 years of research, study and practical implementation of childcare has laid the groundwork for this school. It is a place where children can flourish and grow. Elsabé is a qualified nursing sister who prides herself on hard work and high standards.
She expects the same diligence and commitment from her staff. She attributes her success to creating a happy, clean environment where the child’s emotional well-being is placed above and before all else. Over the years she has employed people who share her ideals and love for children. Her staff is dedicated and loyal. Some of them have been with her for nearly 30 years. All staff undergo continuous in-house training.

Academic Curriculum
We have a daily programme that involves arts and crafts, singing, music, movement, outdoor play, and fine and gross motor skill development. The programme is adapted as your child develops and grows. In the 3 years your child spends with us we will encourage them to reach their first milestones, teach them how to hold a crayon and eventually climb on the jungle gym. The school is built to encourage learning. We have incorporated shapes, colours, patterns and counting games into our architecture.

Facilities and Services
The children sing, play instruments and dance daily in class and at the piano.
We have an abundance of books at the school. The children are encouraged to listen, page, identify and name characters and objects in their books on their own in a group or with the assistance of the teacher.
We have a large lawn, a sandpit, a jungle gym, and a bike track. We have ride-on bikes and cars, balls, hula-hoops, and all kinds of fun toys. In summer water play is very popular.
The children complete an art project over 2 weeks. They are assisted by their teacher to draw, colour and paint.
Puzzles and building blocks
As soon as a little one is able, they are exposed to puzzle building. Simple two-piece puzzles, wooden puzzles. Blocks are fun. The children are encouraged to build towers and structures, starting with simple 2-block towers to bigger more complex structures.
Sensory garden
We learn and interpret the world through our senses. In our sensory garden, the children are exposed to the sounds, smells, feel, tastes, and sights of nature.
Animals and plants
Our children are taught from a young age to love and respect animals. We have budgies and we feed the wild birds. Our gardens are for our little ones to enjoy and learn from.
Additional Activities
Ballet, Playball, and music. For more insight, please feel free to contact us for an appointment.
Safety & Security
We do our utmost to ensure the safety of your child. Our parking area is enclosed, and access is controlled from the front desk. Parents are issued with an entry and exit code. All other visitors are requested to ring the intercom button for access. The property is surrounded by an electric fence and the entrance, classes, playground and children, are not visible from the road.
No person, other than the parents or a person nominated by the parents e.g. au-pair or grandparent, may fetch a child unless the office has been notified. The child will not be allowed to leave the premises until the parents have been reached to confirm permission. We pride ourselves on the quality and quantity of our supervision. At no time will your child be unsupervised.
Classrooms and terrain are under 24-hour camera surveillance.